• 正在播放校园突击HD中字


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  • 校园突击影评
  • 剧情介绍

  Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.
  What follows is no traditional action film, but a thriller with snatches of comedy, in which the enemy isn’t hidden behind masks, but is in the minds of the liberators. Before they act, they have to overcome their personal demons. Comparisons to the school hostage-takings in Beslan and Kazan are obvious, yet Karatas – the mythical village where much of director Adilkhan Yerzhanov’s work is set – could be anywhere. It is universally acknowledged that crises bring out people's true natures.


  • HD中字A片现场不NG森田亚纪,栗林里莉,川上奈奈美,伊东红,住吉真理子,那波隆史,酒井健太郎,佐藤仁,蒲公仁,重松隆志,柴田明良,大迫可菜実,中原和宏
  • HD国语|粤语版鸭王2何浩文,林子善,文凯玲,钟采羲,梁焯满,林莉娴,何华超,梁敏仪,陈依娜
  • HD国语大片吴孟达,于谦,刘芸,王宁,向飞,边辉,游本昌,句号,董立范,谢园,王韵壹,向能
  • 全40集悬崖王迅,李易祥,张磊,王佳佳,刘洋,刘超,本杰明,明子煜,张婉儿,王槊,刘俊宏,张蓓蓓
  • HD妖医馆徐冬冬,伊添锴,明俊臣,唐兴,张景祎
  • HD最爱女人RPG薛仕凌,林辰唏,赖琳恩,林彦君


视频更新时间:2024-04-06 03:44
影片演员:Daniyar Alshinov,别里克·艾特占诺夫,Nurlan Batyrov,Yerken Gubashev,Teoman Khos,Nurbek Mukushev,阿扎马特·尼格马诺夫,亚历山德拉·雷文科,Nurlan Smailov,Erden Telemisov
剧情介绍:阿迪尔汗·叶尔江诺夫导演执导的《校园突击》,该影片在2022年大陆发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑,由Daniyar Alshinov,别里克·艾特占诺夫,Nurlan Batyrov,Yerken Gubashev,Teoman Khos,Nurbek Mukushev,阿扎马特·尼格马诺夫,亚历山德拉·雷文科,Nurlan Smailov,Erden Telemisov 等主演的一部不错的电视剧。

  Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.
  What follows is no traditional action film, but a thriller with snatches of comedy, in which the enemy isn’t hidden behind masks, but is in the minds of the liberators. Before they act, they have to overcome their personal demons. Comparisons to the school hostage-takings in Beslan and Kazan are obvious, yet Karatas – the mythical village where much of director Adilkhan Yerzhanov’s work is set – could be anywhere. It is universally acknowledged that crises bring out people's true natures.

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