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  • 4天情人节影评
  • 剧情介绍

  We sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find our true self.
  4 Days tells the story of two school friends who slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially realized. 4 Days joins Derek and Mark in the days leading up to Valentine's Day over the course of a few years- charting the blossoming of a friendship in to something much more enduring as time goes on- and challenging both to question who they thought they were and who they truly want to me. Painting a moving picture of how an abiding friendship can sometimes lead to love- and how we sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find their true self, 4 Days is an achingly romantic and delicate teenage love story.
  Lead actors Mikoy Morales and Sebastian Castro give exceptional, often heartbreaking performances in this thoughtful and patient romance ? wherein the awkward silences and furtive glances speak volumes.


  • HD国语我本是高山海清,陈永胜,柴烨,王玥婷,万国鹏,美朵达瓦,赵瑞婷,罗解艳,郭莉娜,潘家艳,杨颜嘉,刘雅瑟,杨皓宇,胡歌,张丰毅,李晨,秦海璐,刘奕君,孙少兰,李依晓,吴妍妍
  • 正片飞驰人生2沈腾,范丞丞,尹正,张本煜,孙艺洲,魏翔,贾冰,郑恺,冯绍峰,黄景瑜,刘昊然,于适,胡先煦,阎鹤祥,周野芒,高华阳,孙强,范高翔,郝瀚
  • HD有毒的欲望:上瘾金善英
  • HD潘金莲之前世今生王祖贤,林俊贤,曾志伟,单立文,谷峰,焦姣
  • HD新世界李政宰,崔岷植,黄政民,宋智孝,朴圣雄,金秉玉,金胤成
  • HD恩娇朴海日,金武烈,金高银


视频更新时间:2023-03-14 17:31
影片演员:塞巴斯蒂安·卡斯特罗,Mikoy Morales
剧情介绍:小阿多弗·亚历克斯导演执导的《4天情人节》,该影片在2016年大陆发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑,由塞巴斯蒂安·卡斯特罗,Mikoy Morales 等主演的一部不错的电视剧。

  We sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find our true self.
  4 Days tells the story of two school friends who slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially realized. 4 Days joins Derek and Mark in the days leading up to Valentine's Day over the course of a few years- charting the blossoming of a friendship in to something much more enduring as time goes on- and challenging both to question who they thought they were and who they truly want to me. Painting a moving picture of how an abiding friendship can sometimes lead to love- and how we sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find their true self, 4 Days is an achingly romantic and delicate teenage love story.
  Lead actors Mikoy Morales and Sebastian Castro give exceptional, often heartbreaking performances in this thoughtful and patient romance ? wherein the awkward silences and furtive glances speak volumes.

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